The impact stage is the first stage couples struggling with sex addiction will need to go through. It is characterised by extreme displays of emotion, high levels of conflict and often trauma responses such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks and dissociation. The clinician’s primary task is to ensure no further damage is done to the clients as individuals, or to the couple relationship. This usually requires slowing the process and holding firm therapeutic boundaries. During this phase therapy should focus on:

Assessing for individual emotional safety, including suicide risk, PTSD and DVA (domestic violence/abuse) and sexual health

Providing psycho-education on the impact stage

Reducing conflict by establishing boundaries and improving communication skills

Helping the couple to healthily manage extreme emotions

Supporting the partner in their individual trauma recovery journey

Supporting the addict in their individual addiction recovery journey

Supporting the couple in developing an accountability contract and regularly checking that this is working for them

Establishing a common understanding of sex or porn addiction

Helping clients create an immediate accountability plan to help establish sobriety and stability