This chapter describes the 'unconscious dynamics' in a global sense to refer to all aspects of the transference and counter transference dynamics of the first encounter, and not only in the specific sense of the 'dynamic' point of view in S. Freud's metapsychology. It draws on some more general conclusions about the nature of psychoanalytic work. During successful work in such cases, it was the analyst who opened an internal door to become aware of his/her participation in something that was being played out in the interview dynamics. Questions remain about the links between these dynamics, as related to the request for help, and the core conflicts of the patient's inner world. The dynamics were communicated by the patient and, usually to a lesser extent, by the analyst, in various ways ranging from verbal to para-verbal and non-verbal communication, including scenic communication and enactment. The analyst's self-analytic work is a necessary precondition for the growth of the patient's own self-analytic capacities.