The Modeling toolbar and the Ribbon of the three-dimensional (3D) Basics and 3D Modeling workspaces contain tools for drafting the most common 3D objects; often referred to as primitive shapes. The Ribbon of the 3D Basics workspace has a Create panel on the Home tab of the Ribbon that holds the tools for creating these primitive shapes. The Box command is used to create a six-sided solid, such as a cube. To create a cylinder, users need to enter the command, select the center point of the base of the circle, specify a radius or diameter and specify a height of the cylinder. AutoCAD will create a sphere based upon the dimensions entered. A wedge is a three-sided polyline with a defined thickness. The Wedge command works exactly the same as the Box command and includes the same available subcommands, including the cube command. The Torus command creates a donut or tube-shaped object.