Of all the systems of religion which have existed, from Judaism to the Salvation Army, there is probably not one whose organisation stands more in need of serious consideration than does that of Secularism to-day. Its propaganda is carried on by the most haphazard and disorganised of all methods, tending only to the disruption of societies and to the demoralisation of lecturers. Secularism, as author understand it, is a system of morality for the guidance of the whole human family to the nearest point of moral perfection. All Secularists have read of how Hubert goes to the prison by command of the king to burn out the eyes of Prince Arthur with red-hot irons, and how, after the supplications of the young prince, he resolves to ignore the Royal command and openly avows it to the king. The Society process of organisation in Secularism is only a means to an end.