The whole universe is illumined by God’s truth-revolving spheres, the skies, the earth, human life, and human destiny are made bright and beautiful by the Creator’s eternal faithfulness. Judaism is built upon the verity of God’s Word. Since the Law was proclaimed amidst the thunders of Sinai, and the loving covenant sealed between the Almighty Father and the released bondsmen of Egypt, centuries have passed away. The persecution of centuries, the compulsion and violence, the fierce bigotry and enmity, by which people were assailed, have unfortunately too often entailed upon us a love of mystery, a dexterity in trickery, and a pleasure in intrigue. A few even of such faithful adherents and such noble champions of truth would work out great and salutary reforms. A few true hearts and minds would suffice to restore a lustre to Judaism, a dignity to our name, and an honour to our community, of which they have long been deprived.