A Broad-Church clergyman, at that time in easy harness, I was honestly anxious to discover whether the sudden “special attack on sin and Satan” on the part of the Church of England, organized some years ago, was simply spasmodic or a sign of real vitality. I had no preconceived ideas on the subject, though I may say frankly I did not like the idea of the Confessional grafted on the originally colourless scheme so innocently sanctioned by the Bishop of London. Still, if a good end be gained, it is the extreme of folly to quarrel about the means. The question to be settled was whether this “Guerre de Douze Jours” will do Satan any harm. If it did not do him harm it would do him good in its recoil. I propose to chronicle diary-wise my experiences of as many of these mission-services as a somewhat busy life enabled me to attend. […]