PATAGONIA IS PERHAPS THE MOST frequently cited example of business sustainability. Let’s look at why. Annual revenues tripled between 2008 and 2012 up to 540 million.38 They employ about 1500

people.39 The company got its start in the 1970s supplying mountain climbers with reusable hardware so climbers could leave less of a trace on cliffs. It is founded on an imperative of minimizing the environmental

harm done from business. Its gross profi t margin is one of the highest in

FIGURE 15. Patagonia sustainability value chain activities

Corporate Governance/ Corporate Responsibility Workplace Code of Conduct

Accounting/Triple Bottom Line Accounting

Footprint Chronicles

Marketing & Sales/Eco-Labels Eco-Label Coalition and Customer Community

Procurement/Natural Resource Based Procurement


Operations/Life Cycle Analysis Workplace Process and No-Packaging

Logistics/Local Economies 1% for the Planet

Service/Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Redesign

Common Threads Recycling and Don’t Buy

Information Technology/ Green Buildings

LEED Gold Service Center and Historic Locations

Human Resources/ Work-Life Balance

Let My People Surf and Employee Internships

Research & Development/ Biomimicry

Recycled Fabrics

Corporate Governance/ Corporate Responsibility

From its early days, Patagonia aimed to be a model for other companies.

Their mission statement reads ‘Build the best product, cause no