Shining through the dust and the smog (in Delhi) are iridescent colours, of women's saris, brightly painted trucks and temples, shrines, gods and goddesses. There is also a real sense of diversity and dynamism among the people of India, constantly busy and bustling, wheeling and dealing, in animated discussion, struggling to make themselves seen and heard amid the crowd, manoeuvring, manipulating, engaged in the cut and thrust of survival. A more positive trend is seen in the social entrepreneurs who are popping up all around India. There has been a huge drive towards the idea of making Delhi a 'world class city'. Slums and informal settlements have been demolished even when they have been legal, while malls and elite housing apartments have been allowed to be constructed illegally. Dr Emma Mawdsley concludes that the main sustainability leadership lesson we can learn from India is not to lose sight of social justice in the pursuit of environmental improvement.