In response to a government-sponsored programme aimed at SME growth acceleration, IDEARSE put together an approach for supporting growth of the businesses through the implementation of a sustainable business administration model that would develop competitive advantages for the companies. Built into its business training programme, therefore, were six elements for SME development: self-regulation, stakeholders, human rights, environment, labour and social/community impact. A lengthier document on 'Growth and Responsibility In The World Economy', issued as a G8 Summit Heiligendamm Declaration on 7 June 2007, makes fascinating reading. In the 1980s and 1990s, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Mexico was often in response to crises, as several natural disasters hit the country. Concerned over high levels of homelessness in Mexico, which affects up to 20 million people, CEMEX set out to help Mexican families obtain this basic human right. Typically, low-income families build their own homes, working on them in the little spare time they have.