The author first visited Budapest in August 2003, when he presented a paper on 'Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and personal meaning in life' at the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Conference. He had another opportunity to visit in November 2011, as a keynote speaker at CSR Hungary's annual conference. George Soros and Ervin Laszlo were profiled in The Top 50 Sustainability Books, for their books The Crisis of Global Capitalism and The Chaos Point, respectively. Soros criticises the global capitalist system on two counts. First, market fundamentalists erroneously believe that markets tend towards equilibrium. Soros's second critique is the failure of politics and the erosion of moral values on both the national and international level. While the author interviewing Laszlo, he talks about two paths of growth that society can pursue. The first is based on conquest, colonisation and consumption, and the other is based on connection, communication and consciousness.