This chapter presents a case study for the expansion and consolidation of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) in the Faculty of Business and Law at the University of the West of England. It provides an overview of the challenge(s) faced in relation to mainstreaming responsible management, an explanation of the actions taken in relation to the challenge(s), information about the results and benefits of the actions taken, and some points regarding the role of PRME/sustainability principles to carry out the activity. The case study illustrates the pedagogic, ethical, and developmental aspects of introducing an annual study trip within the Faculty’s MBA programme curriculum by reflecting on the experience of the students and staff during 2009–2012. The annual MBA study trip was introduced in 2009 to address, in a responsible way, a multinational multidisciplinary class, and the pertinent topics of sustainability, risk, crises, complexity, and security in a global context.