This chapter reviews five cases. These are not the only early success stories, since initial steps have also been taken in countries as diverse as Japan, Indonesia and Brazil, but these five cases—at varying stages of implementation—demonstrate the versatility and the applicability of the concept and the methodology. The five cases are Las Gaviotas in Colombia, Montfort in Fiji, Tsumeb in Hamibia, the Water, and Hyacinth in Africa and Gotland in Sweden. The Environmental Research Centre ‘Las Gaviotas’, established in 1966 and since then directed by Paolo Lugari in Vichada, in the eastern part of Colombia, provides one of the most advanced applications of Generative Science, UpSizing and Zero Emissions anywhere in the world. The site of the meeting—and of the prospective experiment—was a school for disadvantaged boys, called Montfort Boys’ Town, where the students traditionally have helped raise both food and funds by farming fish in ponds.