Case studies of corporate peacemaking (CPM) illustrate how extractive and other transnational corporations can be influential in bringing conflict parties together for top-level peace talks and in what ways they have supported these talks. The 14-intervention CPM Framework is applied to identify and analyse the cases. The search is extended to all industries, beyond extractive transnational corporations, to capture the “bigger story” and range of possibilities in applying CPM. Potentially, more companies could address local and national violence through corporate responsibility/CPM strategies, if they had more understanding of CPM and assistance from the international community. The Consultative Business Movement applied many of the CPM interventions. The chapter provides a detailed picture of what CPM looks like on the ground, who instigates CPM and how the CPM Framework’s interventions can be applied. The outcomes of CPM and peace processes in each case have been illustrated to evaluate the impact of CPM so far, on conflict and peace processes.