Tetra Pak is the world's leading food processing and packaging company, with activities in more than 150 countries. Tetra Pak was founded in Lund, Sweden, in 1951 by Dr Ruben Rausing. His vision was simple: to make food safe and available, everywhere. Preventing food losses during product distribution is the key benefit of Tetra Pak cartons, and this reduces both costs and environmental impacts for customers. The company's aseptic process ensures that both food and packaging materials are free from harmful bacteria when food is packaged. Tetra Pak believes that environmental protection is an important part of the culture of the company, and regards environmental protection as priority. Tetra Pak's policy on responsible business is expressed as 4RS: renewing, reducing, recycling and responsibility, a life-cycle assessment and holistic approach towards sustainability. Tetra Pak's decision to certify Yongan forest in spite of its fragmented ownership structure may be explained as an enactment of its established philosophy of "being one step ahead".