This chapter shows that the world of space and matter is nothing but the interpretation from human sense perceptions by human working mind, and that the reality behind this interpretation is a mental external world. The arguments used as evidence that our "world of space and matter," that is, "the physical world," is indeed a reflection through human senses of a mental reality, will be elucidated in the following pages. The pressure exerted by the otoliths provides with information on the position (orientation) of the vertical or Z axis, which is the orientation of the vertical axis of the three-dimensional Euclidean dimensional axes. Information about the orientation of the other two Euclidean axes, the X axis (to the left and to the right) and the Y axis (forward and backward), is provided through a contiguous, receptive section of the space-sense—through the three semicircular canals (canales semi-circularis) in the upper part of the labyrinth.