Emir Feisal arrived in London on 10 December 1918 and on the following day, accompanied by Lawrence as interpreter, called on Balfour. Having expressed the gratitude of the Arab peoples to the British Government for the support given during World War 1, he stated that the Arabs wanted only "one protecting Power, whether in Syria or in Mesopotamia, and this Power must be Great Britain." On 3 January 1919, when Feisal signed his famous Agreement with Weizmann, his mind was fixed that the Jewish National Home in Palestine and the Arab State were to be two separate entities. The Agreement was a formal confirmation of what had been already agreed upon between these two leaders on 11 December 1918, with one exception. Weizmann did his best to assist Feisal. At his urging, Rabbi Stephen Wise prevailed upon President Wilson to grant an audience to the Emir.