This chapter discusses the normative uniformities in the sequential course of ego development during childhood. Satellizers and nonsatellizers also differ markedly with respect to motivation for achieving ego maturity goals. Ego-enhancement motivation in culture is clearly identified with the achievement motive. The cultural stereotype serves as an external determinant entering into the formation of personal biosocial status by generating specific demands and expectations to which the individual carriers of the culture react in terms of existing ego structure, idiosyncratic personality traits, and perceptual maturity. The infant is desirous in the main of retaining his executive dependence that is associated with volitional independence and omnipotence. The primary cause of the psychopathology in all of the Infantile Autism and childhood Schizophrenia that prevent the occurrence of satellization is a prepotent, determined difficulty in relating emotionally to others. During adolescence the attainment of executive independence is essential for achieving the volitional independence and earned status necessary for adult personality maturation and functioning.