In the 1930s, institutions of higher learning spent nineteen cents for administration for every dollar spent on instruction. In the 1980s, administrative budgets grew 26 percent faster than instructional budgets. One set of statistics shows that between 1975 and 1990, college and university enrollments rose 10 percent, the number of full-time faculty members increased 21 percent, and administrative positions grew 42 percent. Princely administrative salaries can be understood as simple aggrandizement of college and university bureaucrats looking after themselves. As a result of the managerial revolution on campus, administrators and administrative-related services have increased sharply, and there has been a professionalization of administrative functions. As a consequence of the growing demand for more middle-level administrative personnel, presently less than one-third of those employed in higher education are directly engaged in educating; two-thirds are administering or assisting those administering.