In the old type of housing, all the houses of one family are built around a center court, with all their doorways facing inward. The outer walls of the houses are connected by a fence of living bush, and there is a wide gateway opposite the entrance of the oldest wife’s hut. Houses are built on cleared sites which are carefully prepared by hoeing. In making the old-style house, a circle is measured out and a trench dug, into which neatly pointed stakes are set at fairly regular intervals, and firmly packed in until they stand by themselves. Despite the absence of body hair, body lice are plentiful. While the Chiga tend to treat lice as a necessary evil, they approve of careful treatment and removal of chiggers. The work of the Chiga blacksmith includes smelting the ore, making the charcoal, the bellows, and his own tools, as well as making the implements that he forges for others.