The aim of socialism would be the final materialization of the democratic principles of the French and, better, would surpass them. It would be socialism that would finally make a reality of the great slogan of the French Revolution, "liberty, equality, fraternity". The Bolshevik Revolution would lead to humanity's final victory over nature, and its spread throughout the cosmos. In all of these cases, the Bolshevik Revolution would actually transcend the narrow confines of the French Revolution. The monograph and the brochure played an important role in conveying the images of the French Revolution to the general public. The situation was different at the time of the 1917 Revolution when dramatic political events pushed Russian intellectuals to respond. The period of the two Russian revolutions more than any other demonstrates the direct relationship between political developments and perceptions of the past. The interest in particular aspects of the French Revolution's history was largely determined by the course of political events.