The abortion rights lobby likes to style itself "pro-choice", but the only people abortion activists believe should have a choice are those who desire an abortion. When pressed to explain activities that seemed to offer little "choice" to helpless peasants, UNFPA Executive Director Nafis Sadik stated that her agency "firmly believes, and so does the government of the People's Republic of China, that their program is a totally voluntary program". UNFPA has long supported China's coercive abortion policy. Concluded the Agency for International Development in 1985, "the kind and quality of assistance provided by UNFPA contributed significantly to China's ability to manage and implement a population program in which coercion was pervasive". The abortion rights lobby likes to portray itself as a defender of choice. But the Bill Clinton administration's readiness to make American taxpayers pay for abortions at home and forced abortions abroad suggests that it cares less for choice than for paying off campaign debts.