Ellie Izzo and Vicki Carpel Miller claim that Second-Hand Shock Syndrome is where the trauma did not happen directly to the person, but nevertheless the person is involved through what he hears or sees. Re-parents are often exposed daily to the behaviors and stories of the traumatized. Vicarious trauma is not a result of one tragedy but the impact of hearing multiple trauma stories on a regular basis. Foster carers are not the only people affected by Second-Hand Shock Syndrome. Izzo and Miller call it an epidemic in contemporary society. It is important for foster carers to be aware of and recognize the early signs of compassion fatigue and to do something before it gets too extreme. An important element of self-care for foster carers is to use the system of respite care. Foster carers are often the type of person who puts others' needs before their own. In truth, this is a large part of all parenting.