This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book discusses that it takes presidential leadership to animate the American system. The United States has a separation-of-power system while the United Kingdom has a fusion-of-power system. Students know only a Washington of anger, divisiveness, name-calling, obstruction, mean-spiritedness, hyperpartisanship. They simply do not resonate with the contemporary view of how real-life politics works in our nation's capital. Some reformers, ceding that a strong presidency is necessary to preserve and promote global leadership, seek to strengthen the presidency but also bolster the check and balance system by calling for a strong Congress. When a British prime minister faces significant criticism or policy failure, he or she may be politically vulnerable and Parliament may vote "no confidence" in the prime minister. In 2014, President Obama was engaged in an undeclared, unauthorized war against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; in Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere.