The confident self described, in terms commensurate with a positive sociology, as self-reliant and as inspiring people who are sure of themselves and their participation in those activities in which they are pursing a formative career. If you think this description of self-efficacy reads much like the foregoing discussion of the confident self, you are right. The principal difference lies in the situational nature of the first compared with the trans-situational nature of the second. The main belief here is in one’s own self-efficacy to pursue in a fulfilling way particular activities in serious leisure or devotee work. Nevertheless Bandura’s studies show that negative emotion can undermine feelings of efficacy, in contrast to positive emotion which can heighten those feelings. High quality of occupational life, however generated, is a state of mind, which to the extent people are concerned with their own well-being at work, must as with serious leisure, be pursued with notable diligence.