Reparation Commission has been established as the final arbiter on numerous economic and financial issues which it was convenient to leave unsettled in the Treaty itself. The powers and constitution of the Reparation Commission are mainly laid down in Articles 233-241 and second Annex. The Reparation Commission comes into very close contact with the problems of Europe; and it bears a responsibility proportionate to its powers. The sum to be paid by Austria for Reparation is left to the absolute discretion of the Reparation Commission, no determinate figure of any kind being mentioned in the text of the Treaty. In some respects the Bulgarian Inter-Ally Commission appears to have powers and authority independent of the Reparation Commission, but it is to act, nevertheless, as the agent of the latter, and is authorised to tender advice to the Reparation Commission as to, the reduction of the half-yearly instalments.