This chapter examines the political facets of ism-ideologies, provides a restatement of some fundamental principles of political phenomena, and reformulates a theory of participatory democracy. The political content of orthodox capitalism originates with and is delimited by a long-conditioned predisposition to assert a dualism of the economy and the polity—of the private sector and the public sector. With the formulation of an economic interpretation of history, Marxists appeared to regard political activity and institutions as a mere reflection of more basic economic forces and pressures. Fascist politics has become a world-wide opprobrious characterization; it epitomizes the most despised mode of rule making on the current scene. The chapter identifies "the determination and administration of public and social policy" as an inclusive and continuing political function in the social process which all societies at all times must somehow implement. As with the economy, a distinction must be drawn between function and structure.