A humane economy requires more than prosperity and economic growth, more than efficient allocation of resources. It demands changes in the framework of economic institutions to achieve greater equality and freedom. The concept of freedom for an evolutionary political economist, drawn from and consistent with instrumental value theory, may be brought into view. The capitalist view of justice is also troublesome for an evolutionary political economist. Free societies are those which expect and understand institutional rigidities and find educational and democratic ways of generating change and of minimizing the personal destruction and communal dislocation generated by such change. The concept of democratic equality effectively eliminates the lament which ism-ideologist elitists of one kind or another have offered over the years. Equality of treatment, so perceived, is the ultimate basis for human dignity. Instrumental involvement results from noninvidious, democratic determination of laws, rules, and codes and noncapricious, nonmalicious, and nonsubversive administration of such laws, rules, and codes.