This chapter presents the reactions to the Armenian genocide of individuals and groups within the Yishuv and the Zionist Movement who did more than note its occurrence or express sympathy for the pain and suffering of the Armenians. It explores reactions from other periods, including the controversy between Theodor Herzl and Bernard Lazare regarding attitudes toward the Armenians and the Turkish rulers at the turn of the present century. Herzl was involved in a number of ways in Armenian affairs because of his contacts with the Turkish Sultan. "The Armenian context" appears in Lazare's writings in his article "The Jewish Nationalism," written in 1897 and published in his book Job's Dungheap. Anti-Semitism, in his estimate, is a reality which will continue. The fact that Herzl had first tried to enlist Lucien Wolf, his interviewer, in the Armenian matter, puts Herzl's comments into their proper context.