What is a homosexual artist? A devil and a liar, says the current noisy indictment—a desecrater, a self-server, a character nobody on earth should trust. Sly and sulky, he poisons hope and idealism with the mean flow of his resentment. Sick and exhibitionistic, he jams the media with neuroses, teaching that Women are destroyers and heterosexual domestic life is hell. Worse by far, the man is power-mad. Skinnying his way onto established grant committees, prize panels, editorial boards, and other seats of authority, he spurns aspirants not of his clique, thereby creating a tyranny of taste that soon will have every center of imaginative expression—theater, opera, symphony hall, publishing house, museum, gallery—under its cheesy thrall. In sum: The homosexual artist is an enemy of the people, a threat to the quality of American life.