The modern Germany is a mixture of very different peoples, for Slavs, Celts, and Mongols, men of Baden, Prussia. The general characteristics which are found in almost all Germans of the present day are not only a sentiment of solidarity and a deferential submissiveness to every sort of official authority. Technical education is exceedingly developed, and there are schools for every branch of industry, cooking included. Whether the subject taught be technical or one of the superior branches of learning, the established rule is an extreme subdivision of labour. The influence of religion upon the modern German mentality is so weak in comparison to that exerted by the Prussian system of military organization. Germany's religious and political ideals have blended with one another, although they are absolutely antagonistic. Although the German laboratories very seldom generate new ideas, they are nevertheless admirably equipped for systematizing and utilizing the ideas which have already been evolved by the master minds of the world.