The most superficial survey suffices to show that the correspondence between fitness and function, capacity and office, merit and advancement, is sketchy and often glaringly out of joint. Educational advantages are being extended more widely and more amply, and education itself is being delivered from some of its obfuscations, formalities, and biases. The United States, for example, has had some outstanding Presidents, some of modest caliber, and some whose place in the great roll-call is a blur of ineptitude. Without adequate education the vast majority are condemned to lives of penury and hardship, resourceless and bereft of opportunity. Without proper education they lack the discipline of the mind, the training of the faculties, the leverage for advancement. A social environment has thus been created that is more favorable to the liberation of quality. The range of prejudice and disprivilege, of oppression and spoliation, has been restricted and subjected to more controls.