The probable migration potential represents the group of persons who have already undertaken concrete activities in the context of a future migration, such as collecting information about a target country or searching for accommodation. Ewald Walterskirchen/Raimund Dietz–and not only they–assumed that the influx of daily and weekly commuters after the European Union Eastern Enlargement could be more important for the Austrian labor market than immigration. The paper of Walterskirchen/Dietz was taken note of in Austria in an ambivalent way. The absorption capacity of the Austrian labor market in the long run is to be put into relation to the population development in Austria. The chapter also summarizes the results of the negotiations under the chapter Free Movement of Persons. Sweden achieved with the agreement on the chapter Movement of Persons a diplomatic masterpiece, which was possible mainly due to the sensibility and the negotiation skill of the chairman of the Council Working Group Enlargement of that time, Christian Danielsson.