Viktor Frankl stands firmly for such a recognition, and his work is taken seriously by distinguished scientists and psychologists. Frankl made a plea for 'the human dimension'. In one of the illustrations in Savage Cinema a naked girl was shown, being humiliated in a bath house. The picture had a salacious caption, and it was obvious, phenomenologically speaking, that this event was presented for the amusement of the audience, and the reader. Violence, as Rollo May argues in Power and Innocence, is a compensation for a deficiency of existential security, for the loss of meaning. In the work of the Polish sociologist Kiryl Sosnowski, The Tragedy of Children Under Nazi Rule, we may follow the deliberate corruption of morality among German children, for political purposes. Journalists, television producers, film producers, 'pop' manipulators, and others in Britain have generated a 'new camp' whose values and attitudes have totally broken away from the traditional values of family, church, school, university and community.