Like a greedy child, the people of the United States turned to the rewards of peace. It seemed that friendly, ordinary, good-natured Warren G. Harding would help them gain these good things, and they wanted to like and approve him. All the developments apparently eased the way toward a future of peaceful, prosperous economic expansion. In spite of being a non-thinker and a non-speaker, Harding sometimes said something that touched the voter to the quick. In the beginning, among Harding's personal followers, corruption was hearty and natural. The only remarkable trait in Harding was his extraordinary good nature. Good times began to creep back after the beginning of the new year of 1922. The better times came soon enough after the inauguration to be associated with President Harding and the Republican Party. One expression that grew in Harding's time was the revived Ku Klux Klan.