To concretize the new vision of the world, the one elaborated by Nicholas of Cusa, Giordano Bruno, Galileo, Descartes, Spinoza, Mandeville and others, let us look at the change of perspective toward the new conceptualization which bypassed the old framework of metaphysics. The new sense of mystery is not yet clearly and publicly expressed, as if the philosopher of science and the scientist were embarrassed to turn once again to traditional explanations. The vogue still favors the modernist thinking that took shape in the seventeenth-to-nineteenth century about man as an exclusively rational being who has solved the ancient philosophical problems by rendering them meaningless. Technology is one step beyond the mechanicist world-view here discussed; one might say its incarnation. It was nurtured by rational man who was motivated by the belief that the problems of being had been falsely formulated before because man allowed the gods - invented for this purpose - to shape his destiny.