The contemporary adolescent girl is a young female between the ages of fifteen and twenty-three whose personality is undergoing changes dictated in part by constantly evolving sociological forces, including some of a revolutionary nature. The adolescent girl probably does not realize that her miniskirt is a replica of the four-button longish jacket of her boyfriend or, vice versa, that his jacket is a version of her miniskirt and that both express, more or less consciously, the wish to look alike. Although all contemporary adolescent girls possess more social, economic, political, and sexual equality than their grandmothers or even their mothers, the ambitious girl as a type tends to be a class phenomenon. The adolescent girl’s strong guilt reactions show the reader how deeply rooted is her basic attitude toward chastity. Paradoxically the adolescent girl often seems to be impoverished by too much “turn to reality”—in the area of sexual activity.