The interpretation by Karl Mannheim of historical materialism is in direct line with his theory of ideology. Within the framework of Marxist theory, both materialist and dialectical components are not always in harmony; their coexistence has always been in juxtaposition rather than in synthesis. According to Robert Meigniez's witty formulation Marxism involves two different doctrines: a more or less "dialectical" materialism and a more or less "materialistic" dialectic. The partial conception of ideology is the natural corollary of a materialist interpretation of Marxism perceived as being first and foremost an economic determinism that considers class interest as the "primum movens" of the process of ideologization. Dogmatic Marxism tends to interpret the historical past in the exclusive terms of economic determinism. Its understanding of contemporary political events is shot through with idealistic elements representing the party's role as a demiurge and —in its must extreme form —by personality cult.