Every day unidentified sources are used in dozens of stories, in some of the best reporting in the world, "Political observers", "sources in the industry", "high officials in the government", "foreign ministry officials". Eliminate them and gone would be most of the candor, much of the explanation and the real opinions, personalities and behind-the-scenes events that move the world. In political campaigns, damaging material often comes on a non-attribution basis from opposing political camps. The news media have all kinds of ways of avoiding an open admission that they have made a big error. One of the most memorable mistakes—and famous evasions—was the Chicago Tribune's renowned premature banner headline, "Dewey Defeats Truman". Judges are as aware of the problem as journalists and lawyers. Long before their cases were ever assigned to them, both Judge Sofaer in the Sharon court and Leval in the Westmoreland had worked with a group of judges seeking new methods for more effective jury management.