Numerous attempts have been made to describe the policies reflected by the programs of various thinking groups of Negroes bent upon lessening the strife occasioned by the vexatious circumstance of race in this country. The Negro preacher as a leader has always occupied the most influential position in the group life of the Negro. Booker Washington believed the South to be the section in which the Negro could best actualize his greatest potentialities. Any true reconstruction program must deal with its resuscitation and reintroduction into American life. Civil liberty for the negro, however, was dead even before the war, killed by the combination of a hypocritical North and an unregenerate South who colluded to sweep from the negro his last vestige of liberty. In Dr. Haynes's book, "The Trend of the Races," he submits that the only solution to the question of race in America is the application of "good-will" and the "Gospel of Christ" to the problem.