Boris Souvarine, now eighty, was one of the founders of the French Communist Party and the Communist International, and had, as a young man, dealings with Lenin himself. A man called Publio Fiore, who was a Christian Democrat in the local Rome authority, was the fortieth victim of the ''Red Brigades'' whose terrorist program was to shoot their political enemies in the legs. There is now a new word for just that ''gambizzazione'' In this way they have crippled journalists, local officials of the governmental party, and persons in the Catholic movement. In Italy the tactic of the brigatisti was to ''execute'' figures in the middle levels of government and administration, to ''mete out justice'' to those ''little men'' who don't command special police protection. Yet the fact remains that the terrorists, with some additional bases among the Turin factory workers and facing only a weak badly-paid and ill-trained police force, are having rather a free run of things.