In any event, the CGT has played a leading role in the other strikes: Citroen, Peugeot, and Talbot. In Renault it was overtaken on the left by a rival trade union group, the CFDT. For almost a year now there has been trouble in Flins, and in the nearby factories; as a result of the difficulties with the immigres the loss of production has amounted to 150,000 automobiles. The Moroccans involved—and they are far fewer than the Algerians—did not emigrate from the urban centers but from the “bleds” in the South which have been relatively free from Westernizing influences. It was often the case that large families came to France, with whole hierarchies being part of the emigration, inclusive of imams. The immigres were trained to attend to the assembly line and very few indeed ever rise to more qualified jobs.