François Bondy was that rare unattached intellectual, "free of every totalitarian temptation" and, as Lasky notes, unfailing in his devotion to the liberties and civilities of a humane social order. The Case 'General Attorney of the State of Israel V. Adolf son of Karl Adolf Eichmann' in the District Court of Jerusalem is about to be closed. 1,500 documents, 120 statements from witnesses, and the "longest cross-examination of all time" constitute the material that the three judges are now working through before they come to the announcement and justification of sentence. The dark central fact about this past was that thousands of professionals were zealously and conscientiously employed in hunting, trapping, and killing human beings. Judge Rasch thoughtfully asked what had happened to the Kantian Categorical Imperative, which Eichmann saw himself living out, and the answer was: "Sticking to the regulations was the categorical imperative for the household use of the little man".