For those with little time to spare and who are new to the wonders of Aaron, the author would suggest two books—published while he was very much alive and with us: Speak Truth to Power, and now, The Revolt Against the Masses. With the exception—and it turned out to be a rather large one—of Aaron's concerns developing a modern political science vision of Tanahk: The Holy Scriptures, the essays gathered in The Revolt Against the Masses cover the major areas of his lifelong interests through the 1970s. Culture was not simply a term of endearment for Aaron, but a peculiar transmission belt in which an older generation bestows on a younger generation the wisdom of the past, without enveloping that wisdom in mysticism or dogmatism. In Aaron's mind, the pursuit of political science is simple and uncluttered: the creation of adequate policy outcomes, predicated on a grounded culture rooted in Western values.