The 9/11 terror attacks could not have taken place without a sophisticated infrastructure of agents operating inside the United States that gathered information, planned, and then executed the four hijackings. A Simulation serves as a recruitment tool for Islam; having children adopt a Muslim persona over several weeks amounts to an invitation to them to convert to Islam. Militant Islamic lobbying groups want Islam taught as the true religion, not as an academic subject. Americans and other Westerners face a choice: They can insist that Islam, like other religions, be taught in schools objectively. Or, as is increasingly the case, they can permit true believers to design instruction materials about Islam that serve as a mechanism for pros-elytizing. The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations presents itself as just another civil rights group. The authoritative Encyclopaedia of Islam defines jihad as "military action with the object of the expansion of Islam", and finds that it "has principally an offensive character".