There is the widest divergence among psychologists as to the nature of Social Psychology. This chapter focuses on to the implications for psychology of the positions defended by William McDougall, by Josiah Royce and James Mark Baldwin respectively, if they are consistently maintained. McDougall lists eleven human instincts: flight, repulsion, curiosity, pugnacity, subjection, self-display, the parental instinct, the instinct of reproduction, the gregarious instinct, the instinct of acquisition, and the instinct of construction. There are two implications of the theory that important social instincts lie behind developed human consciousness. The first is that any such group of instincts inevitably provides the content and the form of a group of social objects. The second implication has to do with the theory of imitation. Professor Baldwin has abundantly exemplified the interdependence of the ego and the socius, of the self and the other. From a logical point of view a social psychology is strictly parallel to a physiological psychology.