Spanish trade unionism is strongly involved in the European one. Such dedication has increased over time. The strong commitment to Social Europe and other aspects of European integration makes them among the strongest supporters of the European Trade Union Confederation(ETUC) and the European Union. The Union General de los Trabajadores (UGT) advocates the following strategic objectives: establishment of a list of minimum social rights, which no country can bypass legally or by agreement; and the progressive harmonization of labor legislation. Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) is strongly committed to the strategies of ETUC, of which the Spanish confederation sees itself as an integrated part. The most likely outcome for trade unionism in Spain is that their role as representatives of the workers' movements will be replaced by that of a social movement concerned with the living conditions of the population in the working place and in society. For this it had to transform itself into more flexible social movement throughout the 1990s.