The Doctrine of the Trinity was not established before the famous Council of Nice, which everybody knows was occasioned by the Disputes of Arius and Alexander, the one a Bishop, and the other a Priest of Alexandria. To be a Christian, it was necessary Men should believe the mysterious as well as historical Truths of the Gospel. The contentions about the Mystery of the Trinity began by two Clergy-Men, have already at one time or other been the ruin of Millions of Laymen, and are like to do more mischief in the World, if the Civil Magistrate interposes not and hinders the Clergy from ever reviving this Affair. To give effectual directions for believing of Mysteries is almost as difficult as it is to explain them. How soever useful Philosophy may be to the Society, and the Affairs of Human Life; it is the worst Guide to Eternity, and ought never to be mixed with Theology.