Bulletin boards can serve to display the results of students’ investigations of an issue, a question, or a problem . A display can include the aim of the investigation, a summary of the data collected, and the conclusions drawn (an interpretation of the data). The bulletin board above, for example, summarizes a class’ exploration into the effects of color on people’s feelings. This exploration served as a basis for an integrated unit on expressive arts (using colors in songs, literature, and music to portray feelings), science (reflection, absorbtion, and perception of color), and mathematics. Note that collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data for such an investigation provide children a real purpose for learning about statistics and creating graphs. Note also that the bulletin board underscores the importance of graphs as a valuable way of summarizing and communicating data. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781410602084/ff25c334-31d2-4a69-a205-84dc3746a4f2/content/computer_B.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/> Computers can be used to collect, analyze, and graph data (spreadsheet function) and to write up reports (word processing).

Can the colors we wear or the color of a room affect our mood? Can the color of soap box or a political poster influence how we feel? With your group or class design a study to address one or more of these questions.