On Saturday, July 20,1996, the Multiracial Solidarity March drew thousands of multicultural persons to the Mall in Washington, DC in a display of pride, power, and unity (Marriott, 1996). In part, the march was intended to apply pressure to the federal government for the addition of a multiracial category in the next census. Coverage of this movement received widespread media attention across the nation, including front page coverage in the New York Times-the national paper of record (Hu-DeHart, 1996; Marriott, 1996). In the midst of several best-selling novels on multiethnic families (Delany & Delany, 1993; Haizlip, 1994; McBride, 1997) and the emergence of several multiethnic personalities, like Tiger Woods (Leland & Deals, 1997), it appeared that one could not escape discussions regarding race identity, interracial families, and politics.