Although the boys ask the girls to specify who is on their team, no reciprocal action is initiated by the girls to the boys. However, both boys and girls join in ridiculing the outcast girl, Angela. In example 23, when Ron asks which girls are on the team, Lisa specifies that Angela is not (line 3). When Ron then tells the girls to eliminate Angela (line 4), Lisa tells her directly that she is not playing on the team: "Angela go out. You're not in this" (line 5). This leads to an extensive dispute between Angela and Lisa in which argumentative moves are prefaced with polarity markers (lines 6, 7, 9), among the most aggravated types of dispute turn initiators, and Lisa issues threats to Angela, which are answered by "so what" responses. The boys further insult Angela by stating that she should "work on her jumping" (line 22), although she is one of the best jumpers among them.